Command Line Usage

HWI is primarily used from the command line. Users can use the hwi command directly, or the HWI self-contained binaries can be distributed with third party software and executed by the software.

The usage of hwi can be found with hwi --help.


Hardware Wallet Interface, version 2.2.1. Access and send commands to a hardware wallet device. Responses are in JSON format.

usage: hwi [-h] [--device-path DEVICE_PATH] [--device-type DEVICE_TYPE]
           [--password PASSWORD] [--stdinpass]
           [--chain {main,test,regtest,signet}] [--debug]
           [--fingerprint FINGERPRINT] [--version] [--stdin] [--interactive]

optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--device-path <device_path>, -d <device_path>

Specify the device path of the device to connect to

--device-type <device_type>, -t <device_type>

Specify the type of device that will be connected. If –device-path not given, the first device of this type enumerated is used.

--password <password>, -p <password>

Device password if it has one (e.g. DigitalBitbox)


Enter the device password on the command line

--chain {main,test,regtest,signet}

Select chain to work with


Print debug statements

--fingerprint <fingerprint>, -f <fingerprint>

Specify the device to connect to using the first 4 bytes of the hash160 of the master public key. It will connect to the first device that matches this fingerprint.


show program’s version number and exit


Enter commands and arguments via stdin

--interactive, -i

Use some commands interactively. Currently required for all device configuration commands


Do advanced things and get more detailed information returned from some commands. Use at your own risk.

hwi backup

usage: hwi backup [-h] [--label LABEL] [--backup_passphrase BACKUP_PASSPHRASE]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--label <label>, -l <label>

The name to give to the device

--backup_passphrase <backup_passphrase>, -b <backup_passphrase>

The passphrase to use for the backup, if applicable

hwi displayaddress

usage: hwi displayaddress [-h] (--desc DESC | --path PATH)
                          [--addr-type {legacy,wit,sh_wit,tap}]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--desc <desc>

Output Descriptor. E.g. wpkh([00000000/84h/0h/0h]xpub…/0/0), where 00000000 must match –fingerprint and xpub can be obtained with getxpub. See doc/ in Bitcoin Core

--path <path>

The BIP 32 derivation path of the key embedded in the address, default follows BIP43 convention, e.g. m/84h/0h/0h/1/*

--addr-type {legacy,wit,sh_wit,tap}

The address type to display

hwi enumerate

usage: hwi enumerate [-h]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

hwi getdescriptors

usage: hwi getdescriptors [-h] [--account ACCOUNT]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--account <account>

BIP43 account

hwi getkeypool

usage: hwi getkeypool [-h] [--keypool | --nokeypool] [--internal]
                      [--addr-type {legacy,wit,sh_wit,tap} | --all]
                      [--account ACCOUNT] [--path PATH]
                      start end

The index to start at.


The index to end at.

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


Indicates that the keys are to be imported to the keypool


Indicates that the keys are not to be imported to the keypool


Indicates that the keys are change keys

--addr-type {legacy,wit,sh_wit,tap}

The address type (and default derivation path) to produce descriptors for


Generate addresses for all standard address types (default paths: m/{44,49,84}h/0h/0h/[0,1]/*)

--account <account>

BIP43 account

--path <path>

Derivation path, default follows BIP43 convention, e.g. m/84h/0h/0h/1/* with –addr-type wpkh –internal. If this argument and –internal is not given, both internal and external keypools will be returned.

hwi getmasterxpub

usage: hwi getmasterxpub [-h] [--addr-type {legacy,wit,sh_wit,tap}]
                         [--account ACCOUNT]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--addr-type {legacy,wit,sh_wit,tap}

Get the master xpub used to derive addresses for this address type

--account <account>

The account number

hwi getxpub

usage: hwi getxpub [-h] path

The BIP 32 derivation path to derive the key at

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

hwi installudevrules

usage: hwi installudevrules [-h] [--location LOCATION]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--location <location>

The path where the udev rules files will be copied

hwi promptpin

usage: hwi promptpin [-h]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

hwi restore

usage: hwi restore [-h] [--word_count WORD_COUNT] [--label LABEL]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--word_count <word_count>, -w <word_count>

Word count of your BIP39 recovery phrase (options: 12/18/24)

--label <label>, -l <label>

The name to give to the device

hwi sendpin

usage: hwi sendpin [-h] pin

The numeric positions of the PIN

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

hwi setup

usage: hwi setup [-h] [--label LABEL] [--backup_passphrase BACKUP_PASSPHRASE]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--label <label>, -l <label>

The name to give to the device

--backup_passphrase <backup_passphrase>, -b <backup_passphrase>

The passphrase to use for the backup, if applicable

hwi signmessage

usage: hwi signmessage [-h] message path

The message to sign


The BIP 32 derivation path of the key to sign the message with

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

hwi signtx

usage: hwi signtx [-h] psbt

The Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction to sign

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

hwi togglepassphrase

usage: hwi togglepassphrase [-h]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

hwi wipe

usage: hwi wipe [-h]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit